
Time for new equipment. Let us know where you started from and we’ll help you to the finish.


“When can I stop upgrading my systems and hardware?” are questions we’re frequently asked here at BIAS Technology. Be intrepid, try a results casino book of ra. The truth is that all technology will eventually require upgrading. Whether it’s through the age and condition of the equipment, backend software upgrades makes the terminals incompatible, consumer demand for new features, and the desire for things to run faster are just some of the reasons why businesses will need to upgrade.

Given upgrading has an inevitability about it, the key is not to regard it as a nuisance, but to recognise that by investing your business will benefit. We’ve come up with several reasons why you may need to consider upgrading!

Upgrade Reasons

Increased Productivity

Today we have faster CPUs, faster hard drives, more processors – and these resources mean the processing of workloads is quicker. Basically, older systems are just not as fast as new ones.

Improved Communications

Newer technology enables businesses to communicate with clients and potential customers in numerous ways. More flexible communication options means increased business potential.

Greater Efficiency
Today we have the technology to do things we couldn’t do in the past. For example, remote access via mobile devices.
Better Security

Ageing systems are not actively security-checked. Newer technology has better security checking in place.


Features in new Operating Systems can be used to provide enhancements that weren’t possible in older systems. This means businesses using older technology won’t have the functionality that could give them a competitive advantage.


Software vendors test applications on current and most recent versions of any particular Operating System. They won’t spend time testing applications on elderly systems. Does your vendor support your old technology?

IT Support

This goes hand-in-hand with our previous point. IT professionals can’t support technology that has become too old. Young IT professionals may have limited knowledge of old systems. It’ll take them longer to find answers to your IT questions – which will increase your support costs.

Happier Staff

Employees become increasingly frustrated with outdated hardware and software – they just can’t do their job as well or efficiently as they’d like. If they become so disgruntled that they leave, you could lose business knowledge.

Business Growth

Is your system designed to support a specific number of people? What happens if you grow? It won’t take long before the system that’s designed to support five people is creaking to a halt trying to support 25. It will also struggle with increased orders, etc. The right technology solution will support your current needs and allow for future business growth.

How we can help…..

So you’ve decided to review and upgrade your technology, but you’re still uncertain about exactly what you need? It’s vital to find a partner that looks at the business benefits of technology solutions, not just the technology itself. BIAS Technology has over 25 years of experience offering solutions to many businesses across varied industries. Get in touch today

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